NPOC EC Meeting Notes – Tuesday, September 17 2019

PRESENT: Joan Kerr, Raoul Plommer, Caleb Ogundele, Oreoluwa Lesi, Maryam Bakoshi (ICANN Staff), Juan Manuel Rojas,

ABSENT: Carlos Raul Gutierrez, David Cake


  • Raoul: He shared the charter draft on the NPOC Discuss mailing list and we have received some comments.
  • There was some discussion about accepting individuals, but the consensus seems to be that we should only stick to NGOs (mostly registered with some review of unregistered NGOs on a case-by-case basis).
  • Caleb thinks that we might consider some individuals on a case-by-case basis for people not affiliated with a registered NGO.
  • Joan believes that we should stick with registered NGOs as NPOC was created to address the operational concerns of NGOs.
  • Raoul: Judith Hellerstein and Micheal Karanicolas pointed out that the charter mentions that we refer to “transparent registration” as one of our focus areas, which can be in conflict with privacy concerns.
  • Joan: Perhaps we can throw out the comments raised to the NPOC Discuss group and ask for feedback.
  • Action Item:
  • Raoul: Will send the comments shared about the draft charter and ask for feedback from the members. He will give a deadline in his email.


  • Ore: Gave the update on the financial records. The latest balance is Euro 3,235.95.



  • Joan had developed a draft of a travel policy using the NCUC travel policy as a template. She had shared it with the EC to comment on. She asked Caleb for the intent of the policy.
  • Caleb shared that he thinks it’s a good idea to state who is eligible for travel funding so there are no conflicts.
  • Joan: The NPOC Charter states that the EC gets 3 travel slots. However charter reviews are up for NCSG, NCUC and NPOC(?). NCSG is looking at a merit-based system.
  • It’s good to have this policy in place for when NPOC starts to receive more funding and can allocate more funding to non-EC members.
  • Action Item:
  • Other EC members should take a look at the draft travel policy and comment on it.


  • Joan: Had a meeting with Juan and went over what we have and what we need. Juan developed some great looking material, however what is most important is the Member’s Calls so that our marketing and outreach is not just to NPOC members, but more importantly should be to external parties.
  • Raoul asked about the GSE webinar. Joan said that needs to be requested by NPOC.
  • Action Item:
  • Joan: Request for the GSE webinar.


  • Discussed ways to make the Policy Committee more active.
  • Should we open it to general NPOC membership?
  • Many were is favour of opening the PC to wider NPOC membership.


  • Should we invite new members? Should we open it up to non-EC members?
  • Joan, Maryam: Suggest having the NPOC Policy Chair as one member of the NCSG PC and open it up to another member of NPOC.
  • Joan: Will check what the rules are for NCSG EC.
  • Maryam: There is no criteria for NCSG EC members, so we can appoint any NPOC member who is interested in doing the work.
  • Joan & Ore: Suggest having an NPOC EC as one member of the NCSG PC and open it up to another member of NPOC.
  • Raoul: Suggest that the EC and PC members work on a report to share with all NPOC membership
  • Action Item:
  • Joan: Will write a note to invite people to submit their interest for the NCSG PC and EC. Will require that the PC and EC members submit monthly reports to the NPOC Discuss list.


  • Joan: We had shared some feedback on the last survey draft, but not sure if it has been done
  • Raoul: His organisation, Electronic Frontier Finland – EFF, is currently working on a membership survey, so perhaps we can adapt that for our purposes
  • Joan: Suggests that she, Raoul and Juan work on a draft survey so that this can be ready before Montreal.
  • Action Item:
  • Joan, Raoul and Juan will work on a draft survey so that this can be ready before Montreal.


  • Joan will co-chair the members’ calls with Juan moving forward, so if Juan can’t make it, she will chair it.
  • Next Members’ Call will be on Tuesday, October 8
  • Action Item:
  • Joan: Will schedule the next members’ call for October 8.


  • The ALAC-NPOC-GAC session will happen, but not sure what the format will be yet. It might just be a simple informative session i.e. we share about what we each do.
  • We need to identify the date and time, so we can plan for it.
  • Action Item:
  • Will confirm the date and time of the scheduled joint session and if GAC do not participate, then ALAC and NPOC will continue to plan the session as before.


1.) Cloud Storage:

Raoul: Raoul and Caleb were meant to review and present pros and cons of using webhost server as our cloud storage.

Action Item:

  • Raoul is going to look into a tool called Next cloud and will report to us.

2.) Regulatory Issues:

Raoul & Carlos were meant to put together a working group to gather more information about the regulatory requirements of maintaining a registered nonprofit in Estonia and looking at how ISOC chapters manage their financial resources. Will have this information ready by Montreal

Raoul said they haven’t done this yet, but he will invite Tapani Tarvainen and Ed Morri to give their input.

Action Item:

  • Raoul: Will invite Carlos, Tapani Tarvainen and Ed Morris to give input on the plan to register a foundation to support NPOC in Estonia.

3.) Public Comments:

NPOC’s submitted comment for the dot org registry agreement are already on the NPOC website.

4.) Select a CROP Coordinator:

Joan received some applications in response to the call for a CROP coordinator.

We will review the applications on the Skype chat.

Action Item:

  • Joan: Share the CROP Coordinator applications so the EC can review.


  • Tracking Meeting: Joan and Ore will schedule a tracking meeting to review the completed EC actions, so we can share on the NPOC website and wiki.


  • The next NPOC EC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15 at 1300 UTC.
  • The next members’ call is scheduled for Tuesday, October 8 (time to be confirmed)

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