2021 Elections


Ballot Box


The check-in email (from [email protected]) for the 2021 NCSG/NCUC/NPOC Election, was sent on Friday 07 May 2021 to all individual and organizational members of the NCSG.

Please respond to the email asap. Check-in deadline is 28 May 2021, 2359 UTC.

As a reminder, the election timeline is below:

  • 7 May: Check-in begins
  • 13 May – 27 May: Nomination period
  • 27 May: Deadline for nomination acceptance and candidate statement / Meet the candidates call
  • 28 May: Check-in ends
  • 01 – 04 June: Voter roll finalized
  • 07 June – 21 June: Voting
  • 22 June: Results announced



NCSG Election Page: https://community.icann.org/x/4ADQCQ

NCSG Check-in List: https://members.ncsg.is/public-voters-list_ncsg


NCUC Election Page: https://community.icann.org/x/jwHQCQ

NCUC Check-in List: https://members.ncsg.is/public-voters-list_ncuc


NPOC Election Page:  https://community.icann.org/x/ogHQCQ

NPOC Check-in List: https://members.ncsg.is/public-voters-list_npoc


Please visit the link above before the end of the process to confirm you are checked in.


If you have not received the check-in email, please send an email off list to maryam.bakoshi@icann


Please note: If you do not check in, you will be placed on the inactive membership list. Inactive members cannot vote in the annual election, so it is important that you timely reply to the email to ensure you are listed as active and receive your ballot during the annual elections.


Please do not hesitate to contact me or your Chair, if you have any questions.

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