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Bolutife Adisa

Bolutife Adisa  is a Digital technology expert from Lagos, Nigeria. With a background in Electrical & Electronics engineering, he is a passionate IT professional and youth leader. He is was the 2019-2021 President of the Internet Society’s Youth Special Interest Group, and he was also a co-founder at Digital Grassroots, a global Initiative that works with young people to improve knowledge on digital literacy and internet governance in underserved communities. Bolutife is passionate about digital technologies, Internet Governance and youth initiatives. He is an active contributor to the internet governance ecosystem globally (Internet Society Youth@IGF fellow, ICANN NextGen, IFF speaker/session organizer, session organizer at Mozilla festival), and regionally (Africa IGF 2019 – Youth Speaker, West-Africa Youth IGF Steering Comm) and in his home country, Nigeria (Youth IGF steering committee). He sits on the board of the International Telecommunication Union’s Generation Connect Visionaries Board (ITU-GCVB) as one of the selected youth members and now serves as NPOC’s Communications Chair.