NPOC EC Meeting Notes – Tuesday, April 28 2020

PRESENT: Joan Kerr, Raoul Plommer, Oreoluwa Lesi, Ioana Stupariu, Caleb Ogundele, Maryam Bakoshi (ICANN Staff)

ABSENT: Carlos Raul Gutierrez


  • Joan: Asked for any ideas for the planning of ICANN68


  • Joan: She and Raoul had met with Adam Peake a few years ago to discuss and plan education webinars for NPOC
  • Ioana: Suggest release proposal for education plan to NPOC members and see what the uptake is before going too far in planning
  • Joan: The plan was for 2 paths: In-reach (for existing members) and Outreach to non-members and newcomers.
  • Ore & Ioana: Suggest sending the training proposal to NPOC members for their feedback.
  • Action:
  • Joan will share the training plan with NPOC members


  • Ore: Shared updates about the upcoming NCSG PC elections for Chair and appointment for VC and open public comments. She is helping to draft a public comment on behalf on NCSG on the Africa regional plan for FY 2021 to 2025.
  • Ore’s thoughts are that there is a lot of correspondence that goes on in the NCSG PC, NCSG and Council mailing list and it’s difficult for one person to follow. It’s more doable to have various NPOC members who follow different discussions / WG/ policy areas and share these at the members’ meeting.
  • Action:
  • Joan will follow-up with Carlos on the Policy Actions list compiled from priority areas shared by Sam LaFranco.


  • Ioana: Suggests harmonising all the various members’ lists with members’ details
  • Suggests updating Newcomers’ welcome kit and send welcome email when new members join NPOC. Also suggests an email/tweet/etc to introduce them to everyone on the list, share what they do and ask NPOC members to say hello to them.
  • Action:
  • Joan: Asked that Ioana and Caleb work together on this.
  • Also suggests that we clarify the difference between NPOC and NCUC.


  • Action:
  • Caleb and Ioana should work together on the members’ profiles on the website.


  • Raoul: There is no update on the charter yet. He attributes it to the ongoing pandemic.
  • Joan: Suggests that we should review the charter to see about staggering some of the positions, so that not all positions are up for re-election each year. This would help to maintain some continuity.
  • Consensus appears be to leave the charter as is.


  • Ore shared the latest financial records on Monday. There are no updates required to be made to it.


  • No update


  • Joan: Not much has happened with respect to the collaboration with ALAC, GAC and NPOC. Will update us as this proceeds.


  • Action:
  • The timetable will be shared with all.


  • Ioana: We need to submit CROP application for upcoming events to attend by May 29. There are not many upcoming events due to the pandemic.


  • Ore: Has all the marketing material in a Google Drive folder. Not sure if she uploaded them to NextCloud or not.
  • Action:
  • Will work with Raoul to upload all documents to NextCloud.
  • Raoul will plan for a brief training at the next NPOC EC meeting.


  • NPOC EC Meeting | Tuesday, 26 May, 2020 | 14:00 UTC

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